Little Qiqi's Cultivation Is High?

This was the same group of women which was present on Friday when Ye Qian had come to receive Little Qiqi after the Kindergarten got released.

"Umm that."

As for the woman named Ms Ji, she shook her head with a wry look.

She didn't want to be looked down upon by the other ladies but, she really was looking for the young man from yesterday.

Though she had seen him for the first time, she felt attracted towards him and in these two days, she had many times thought of him.

'But why do I feel attracted to him?'

She had divorced her husband and was living with he son alone in the Lotus district a few blocks away from here.

And though it was not the most luxurious place in Star City, it could still be considered quite a luxury among others parts of the city.

And now along with the more development of the area around her, the prices in her district were bound to increase even more.