"Here another one too."

Feeling a bit of weight on her ear the little girl knew that there was an earring in her ear as she carefully handed the other piece to Ye Qian.

Knowing that this was made by her lovely Papa all by himself, the little girl was afraid of dropping it on the ground and losing it.

After another few seconds, Ye Qian was done as he sighed with relief.

'This was really way much harder than killing those 50 thugs yesterday'

Thining of this, Ye Qian breathed a mouthful of air and looked at Little Jia who was looking at him with pully eyes.

"Papa, how do I look?"

The little girl had her finger placed under her ears and was deliberately showing the earrings.

Ye Qian's heart felt warm seeing the beaming joy on Little Jia's face.

No matter how much he was worried or felt bad, just a small smile from his girls would make his heart fill with joy.

"Very beautiful."