Cheeky Rascal Got A Beautiful Child

In front of the entrance of Little Jia's school.

Ye Qian was pulled down by his friend from a long time whom he had met after so many years.

Meanwhile, after hearing the uncle saying that he would beat her Papa to that of a pig, Little Jia felt angry as she pulled Su Ren's sleeves.

"Uncle, you can't say something like that to my Papa."

With her cheeks puffed, the little girl said in slight annoyance.

Su Ren was already in his world while pulling Ye Qian down when he heard a sweet baby voice near his ear along with someone pulling his shirt.

At first, he had thought that it was the kid whom he had brought to drop in the school.

But after hearing the sweet voice, he knew that there was no way that it was the kid who was with him.

He looked carefully leaving his grip on Ye Qian's neck and then glanced at his right side.