Why Would I Be Embarrassed?

At a fancy Starbucks cafe.

Ye Qian was staring at the menu card while looking at the prices of the cups of different coffees.

As for the people who were in the cafe, they were thinking of Ye Qian to be someone new in the city and was this flabbergasted to read the prices of the beverages.

Ye Qian took another glance at the whole place and nodded while taking a glance at Su Ren who was looking at him with patience.

"Are you done with your selection?"

He asked seeing that Ye Qian had finally got his head out of the menu.

At first, if not for him knowing Ye Qian, even Su Ren would also have thought of Ye Qian as a country pumpkin.

But then again with Ye Qian had told him that he was mostly isolated from the outside world and had only come back just a few days ago, Su Ren thought that it was very much likely that Ye Qian was also getting a hard time adjusting to the things that were happening right now.