Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut!

Meanwhile, in the alley.

Ye Qian glanced at the thugs while a cold sneer hung at the corner of his lips.

He didn't have the thought of answering these people since he knew that no matter what he said, the men were here to harm him and would pick up a fight for any reason.

Even if Ye Qian's reason was justified they would still try to hit him so why care about it

Ye Qian glanced at the men and clearly knew that within their jackets there were knives, sticks and chains.

It was only a matter of time that they would be pouncing on him with those things.

"Hey what the f*ck did you do to this woman?"

One of them glared at Ye Qian while spittle flying out of his mouth even as he opened his mouth.

"What an ugly ant."

A cold light flashed in Ye Qian's light as he was disgusted, as a reddish hue appeared in his eyes.