Can't Be Anymore Proud!

"Like What The F*ck!"

"How is that happening?"

Some of the male teachers who were wanting to peruse Ning Wei were disgruntled in their minds.

For them, Zheng Zhi had just asked Ning Wei and she hadn't said anything, so many thought that she had agreed to him and was willing to accept him.

Many of them were already cursing themselves for not trying before and were being such a coward.

If they had known that it would have been so easy then they would have already tried to do it, no matter what.

Although there were just a few single male teachers in the school, there were very few who would want to pursue a widow, and there were very few who would really think of such.

But given how beautiful and alluring Ning Wei was, it would only be a dumb person who would not want to approach her.

It was like a heavenly fruit was passed for them, but they didn't want to just because it was a bit soiled.