I Also Have A Friend!

In the garden of the Turtle Primary School.

A group of little girls was having their lunch while looking at the far corner of the garden.

A little girl sat by the trunk of the tree while happily eating her tiffin and giggling from time to time as if she was talking with someone.

But the others could clearly see that it was only her who sat there alone.

"What a mad girl, I don't know why the teacher cares for her so much?"

A girl who had her hair tied into a long pigtail wondered while looking at the little girl in the corner of the garden with a flash of anger.

It was obvious that she didn't find the little girl who was sitting by the corner of the garden much pleasing.

"Let it be Xia, aren't we supposed to have our lunch now, see I even brought the special bean dumplings for us."

  A chubby little girl said with a wide smile as she opened her lunch box in front of her friends.