Whose Father Is He?

Today it was already bad as her AUNT had appeared out of nowhere, and Wu Ying had been nudged by that guy while coming to the school. 

And so her mood was still off since she knew that the moment she stepped out of the school gate the guy would come back and stay spouting the same nonsense to her.

Thinking of this, Wu Ying felt a tremendous pain coming in her head.

"Miss Wu, I won't take much of your time."

Seeing the annoyed expression on Wu Ying's face, Miss Nan felt that Wu Ying might be annoyed with her.

"I am so sorry, Miss Nan, it's not because of you, there is this guy who continues to pester me, making me feel my head hurt."

Noticing the awkward face of Miss Nan, Wu Ying quickly understood that she had been wrongly misinterpreted and quickly cleared the doubt.