Ning Jia's Admission Under Special Circumstances?

In the Principal's office.

A middle-aged woman was sitting on the chair while pressing her brows as if she was in tension.

"The board has said that we should not allow anything bad to happen in the school after this."

She muttered while looking at the report paper in front of her.

This was the detailed note of the whole incident which had happened during the lunch break.

"I just hope that the parents of the child won't make it too big, or there is no way that the school will be given a way out."

She said while rubbing her forehead.

After the incident, and the meeting with the board of the school, she was under great pressure.

She had to handle the situation properly and not even escalate the anger of the other parents.

If the parents were to be irked by the incident and got the admissions of their children out from the school, then it would be a big blow to them.