Money Is Nothing Compared To Life

"It's alright, but you need to remember that no matter what, people will turn their back on you and even try to cut you down if they found something that can be considered an unfathomable thing."

Li Zhiyun sighed while shaking her head and stroked Han Xiaowen's hair.

She could understand that her daughter would naively tell about these things to the people who might have helped her in troubled times.

But there were certain things when even the most trusted allies would kill you if they found something that was out of human's reach.

Just like the charm that her daughter had used on her in order to cure her and wake her up.

It had to be known that not only had the charm just cured her but also got rid of any of the minute diseases which she had.

Of course, only she knew of such things since she herself had experienced it, and the other effects of the charm were too much unfathomable for any woman to ever believe.