Po Tian Is Out Of Reach

It could be said that ever since last week, he had been cursed.

On the last day of the week, he was injured on the leg after kicking the table quite hard and sprained his feet in the school.

And just after a day, when he was coming back after getting a brand new car from the showroom he had met and accident.

Of course, he was pretty good at drinking and on the way, he had met a few of his friends who asked him for a party, to which obviously he could not say no.

And given that he was pretty resistant to the alcohol after drinking for a long time, Yang Kun did drink a few bottles of wine, but he was sober enough to drive.

But then he could not remember what had happened all of a sudden and he had met an accident.

Somehow, he felt that his memory had been lost and he couldn't remember anything that had happened when the accident had occurred.