Smoking Causes Harm

In another district a few miles away from the Star City.

In a mansion which looked no less handsome than that of the Han.

A young man was holding a doctor's collar with a dazed look in his eyes as if he was remembering something.


Meanwhile, the doctor couldn't keep his breathing since the young man's palm was on his neck as resulting in him running out of breath as he coughed.

As for the other doctors, they were just too afraid of even going near the young man afraid that they might also be gagged like this.

They had known this young man for a long time now and it could be said that all this long they had seen him like this for the first time.

"Alright, boy, leave the doctor, what he said might have some truth to it."

Just as the doctor was about to feel even more suffocated, the middle-aged man walked to the young man and shook him a bit wanting to bring him back from his trance.

"I am sorry!"