Do I Really Look Like An AUNTIE?

While the atmosphere in front of the dorm's gate appeared more like a war was about to wage, the taxi stopped a few meters away from it.

With a click, the door was opened and a pair of a young man and a young woman walked out.

The man handed the driver some money as he left while the woman seemed to persuade the man to not give the money.

Of course, they were completely disregarded since everyone's attention was on the two girls who would about to have a crazy fight.

And definitely, no one would want to miss a free show.

"What's going on there?"

The young man asked noticing the gloomy atmosphere in the surrounding.

It could be seen that the pair of girls seemed to be already glaring at each other and would scratch each other's faces in no time.

"Huh, why is Senior Jing out at this time?"

Xiao Ya looked at the two people in question and easily noticed Mu Jing, which she deeply admired.