Don't Come Here Again!

After making Ning Wei finish everything in the lunch box with a stern look on his face, Ye Qian went to the kitchen.

"Wait I aill do it!"

Just as Ning Wei sid while wanting to stand up from the chair, she felt a heavyweight on her body.

"What...what is this?"

She was frightened after not being able to stand up.

Although she felt heavy, there was no discomfort whatsoever.

It was like her body just didn't want her to stand.

"You sit there and rest now, I will take care of this."

Ye Qian said with a stern voice making Ning Wei like a mouse who had seen a cat.


She could only nod and see as Ye Qian took everything out of the door and towards the kitchen.

"If you do this, then how am I going to shove you out of my heart?"

Ning Wei mumbled with a low sigh after Ye Qian went to the kitchen and she heard the splashing of water and some washing sound.