Will Stay Forever And Be Powerful, Like Papa

Hearing Little Jia's reply, Ye Qian didn't know the bound to be happy.

He could clearly see how much this little girl loved him even when she knew that he was not her real father.

'I will always cherish you, my daughter.'

Ye Qian vowed in his heart.

"Really, then... then Qiqi will also always stay with Papa and Big Sister and help..."

The little girl paused for a moment and thought about what was it that she was able to do up till now.

After pondering for a really long time, her eyes brightened as she exclaimed.

"Yes, Qiqi will make dumplings with Papa."

Just as she exclaimed, Yuan Meng who had been silent all this long couldn't hold herself anymore and burst into a peal of laughter.

These two little girls reminded her of how naive children were and really wished that their wishes would really come true.

Not because Ye Qian was powerful and knew cultivation.