Ye Qian's Gift For Yuan Meng

"Bye Papa, Bye Aunt Meng!"

Waving her hand at Ye Qian and Yuan Meng, Little Jia skipped into the school building with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Bye sweetheart, take care and don't forget what I told you."

Though Ye Qian's voice was very light, it was covered with Spiritual Qi from the surrounding which entered Little Jia's ears as she turned around and nodded.

"Sigh, this little girl, what did Sister Wei tell you when you went to her?"

Yuan Meng asked after a sigh.

Yesterday, Ye Qian went to Ning Wei to send her the dinner on her suggestion.

Of course, Ye Qian also wanted to send Ning Wei dinner, but him going on his own will made it feel a bit awkward.

But after Yuan Meng told him that Ning Wei might sleep without eating, and handed him the tiffin, Ye Qian didn't stop for more and went.

"Hmm, she said that she will not be able to come for a week or even more and told me not to come."