656 The Yuan Family's Mess!

Yesterday, Yuan Meng had told everything about her family and Ji who was her cousin, to Ye Qian.

Although Ye Qian had not told her anything about these people who had been secretly trying to protect her and Little Qiqi all this long, he could feel that they were sent by someone who was closely related to Yuan Meng.

Ye Qian had thought that the guards would have been sent by her father, but after noticing that whenever Yuan Meng talked about her father, her face would be filled with anger and disdain, Ye Qian let go of this thought.

Ye Qian later understood that Ji and her mother were the only people other than her Grandfather who was close to Yuan Meng and treated her well.

As for Ji's mother, she had died due to illness and their Grandfather had died a long time ago.

So now the only person who would care about Yuan Meng was Yuan Ji.

But Ye Qian also wondered as to how the relationship between Yuan Meng and her Father was so bad.