Who Is Ugly?

"Sigh, he will be fine, he is resting right now."

Grandma Yan sighed and placed her hand on his shoulder.

It felt like she was not saying this to Ye Qian but to herself.

"He will be, don't worry mom."

Ye Qian nodded and then started helping her with some chores.


Meanwhile, a few blocks away, a middle-aged man who was wearing some very old fashioned clothes which seemed like they belonged to the last century, stood at the corner of the road.

His face was filled with various kinds of injuries and looked rather very gruesome.

Meanwhile, the people who walked around didn't dare to get close to this guy.

It was because he looked just too frightening for them.

Of course, there were a few who couldn't help but take a glance at the man but the next moment shivered in fear and didn't dare to even continue walking ahead.

It was because the man's eyes were too eerie to look at.