They Are Spending Some Private Time!

With passion filled for each other in their eyes, Ye Qian and Yuan Meng continued to kiss for a minute until they were close to the door of the bedroom.

Ye Qian picked up Yuan Meng while holding her tightly to his chest and they continued to drown themselves in their love after a really long time.

"Qian'er, please take care of me."

Yuan Meng whispered releasing a warm breath into Ye Qian's ear once again, making him shudder once again.

Ye Qian's eyes flashed with a golden glow as both of their body started to get covered with the glow.

In just a matter of a few moments, the whole room was covered in the golden glow.

As soon as the glow faded, there were many inscriptions and lines which interconnected throughout the room and looked like they were some runes.

"Mengmeng, I will start."

"Umm hmm."

"But be slow, it would pain."