Ice Lotus Sutra

Completely unaware of the change in his dantian, Ye Qian continued to move his fingers while forming various kinds of incantations in the air.

Meanwhile, the dense clouds which were floating out of his body started to form into small spheres and as Ye Qian continued to make various signs with his fingers, those cloud-like balls started to get compressed into solid pellets.

Currently, they had shrunk to the size of a baby's fingertip.

It had to be known that after the cloud got out of Ye Qian's body, it was roughly the size of an adult's head.

And right now, it was compressed roughly 100 times.

And thus, Ye Qian continued to do this for roughly more hand an hour.

Each pellet took about 5 minutes to condense from the start where he would be made to force the clouds off his body and then condense it to the size of a baby's fingertip.