Nothing Happened To Xiao Ya!

After the loud explosion that occurred in the parking area of Shenya University, everyone was in turmoil.

The few students who were in the parking area were holding their distance as far away as they could and the guard who was turning a blind eye to Le Yun's actions from before had started to call the hospital.

Although the hospital was not far away from the campus due to the University being a medical college, it would still take a few minutes for the ambulance to arrive.

But those few minutes were also a lot when the one who was the victim of the explosion was none other than the young master of the Le family, Le Yun.

If something were to happen to him then they were sure that they would also pay the price.

The professors and even the principal of Shenya University were also running while holding his big potbelly with his hands.

"How did this happen?"

The Principal asked while spit flew off his mouth.