Patriarch Of The Jing Family

Meanwhile, as Mr Guo muttered as he stared at the photo of Ye Qian in his hand.

In a big mansion in some other province.

Within a room filled with various kinds of antiques.

A man placed his phone on the dark-coloured ebony table and sighed while shaking his head.

It looked as if the man was in his mid-50s.

Although the clothes he wore looked simple but he radiated an aura of high and lofty position.

Someone who had been used to in a higher position and had the ability to look down upon thousands with his strength.

Meanwhile, there was a similar photo in his hand that Mr Guo had.

He was none other than the Patriarch of the Jing family who had power throughout the nation and could also be said to be one of the top 10 families of the whole nation.

There were a lot of photos hung on the wall which stood behind him.

Among one of them was a frame which was nearly a meter wide.

It had about six people.