Mumma And Papa Got Sick!



"Ahh, Mumma and Papa got sick!"

While sitting at the table, Little Qiqi exclaimed as she handed a towel to Ye Qian while Litle Jia passed one to Yuan Meng.

The family had just started to eat dinner and Ye Qian had just taken a few bites when he sneezed, and it had not even been a few moments until Yuan Meng also sneezed.

Little Qiqi felt restless thinking that both her Mumma and Papa had fallen sick.

Just a few hours ago, the little girl had said that with her Papa, she would never feel sick, but now, it was her Papa himself who looked sick.

"Did you eat anything outside that was not good?" 

Meanwhile, Grandma Yan frowned seeing that both her son and daughter-in-law were sneezing.

It could be said that if one from the family got sick then the others would also get sick in just a matter of a few days.