He Will Need Some Luck!

It can be said that it had been many years since she had met any of her friends, and one of the reasons was because her family had shifted to the other city during these few years and she had just joined the Han Corporation about half a year ago.

Although she knew that there were still many of her friends still in this city, Ling Shui didn't have anyone's contact and neither had she any way of finding them.

Though she had found a few of her friends on social media, but their accounts had not been active for a long time much less accepting her friend request.

Although she just wanted to get their number by messaging them, but they should at least accept her request so that she could ask them.

But it had been long and she had not received any accepted request as of yet.

Ling Shui would check social media every day just to see if some of her friends had accepted her request but only to be disappointed.