[Bonus chapter] Papa Didn't Pick The Phone!

Ye Qian shook his head hearing Shuren's question.

"I don't want to go just like that."

Ye Qian's words make them look at him with a dumb look.

"Alright, if you say it like that, I just thought that it would be good for you to not waste your time for no reason, so I wanted to inform you about it."

Juan nodded and then turned to Shuren wanting to leave.

What she could do was done, if Ye Qian still wanted to waste his time then she could not force him to leave.

"Yes, I know, and I am really thankful for you to think of such even when it might be harmful to you."

Ye Qian nodded with a simple smile.


Juan nodded and then walked towards the lift.

Just as the lift opened, she turned and asked.

"Don't you want to have lunch?"


Ye Qian nodded and then followed the two into the lift.

Meanwhile, Juan and Shuren stayed silent for a while before Shuren asked.