Why Is Ning Wei's Phone Similar To Yuan Meng's?

In the living room, Guo Yulao sat while explaining Mr Wang's condition to the Ye Family and how Ye Qian had told him about him being unwell.

And with what he had just said about doctors from all over the world not able to sure that man, Grandma Yan couldn't help but think of this.

It was obvious for her to think that this was more like a scam.

Just now, Guo Yulao had said that none of the doctors from all over the world was able to find a way for that person's illness, and he said that he would die in just a matter of a few days.

But still, he had come here to bring Ye Qian to help.

No matter how Grandma Yan thought of this, she was not able to let go of the feeling that this was more like a trap that Ye Qian would be stuck in after entering.

Just now he said that all doctors could not find a cure, so how was her son, who had never studied any kind of medicine as far as she had known would be able to cure someone?