He Is Brutally Honest!

One had to know that Han Xiaowen was still studying abroad when her mothersuffered this sudden illness and lay on the bed ever since then.

And due to this, Han Xiaowen had little to no idea as to how her mother took care of such a big company.

If she had known something from her mother, then Han Xiaowen was sure that she would not have let such things happen and had kept a close eye on everything.

But now she had talked to her mother about this and she knew that there was nothing that she could do to change what had already happened.

But what would happen from now on was still in her command.

Han Xiaowen had already decided what she had to do, no matter if the company would shake for quite a long time, but she could defiantly not let such people stay.


Meanwhile, after Ye Qian entered the office.

He saw the two middle-aged men sitting there with a cold sneer on their lips.