A Masterpiece Jewelry!

Seeing Ye Qian staring at him with a terrified look, the leader was turned dumb for a moment.

It could be said that he had also not seen what had happened clearly and had only seen Ye Qian clutching his man's wrist and holding it tightly.

And after that, his fingers dug into his man's bones.

But this was what made him afraid of Ye Qian.

The leader was still thinking of using his knife to fist cut Ye Qian's hand so that he would not be able to do something like that again.

But after seeing Ye Qian's terrified look in Ye Qian's face, he was confused if he was the same person who had just broken his lackey's hand or not.

Of course, he had seen it with his own eyes.

'Could this be the over-stressed strength that is released by someone in cornered situations?'