Deliberate Provocation?

On the road.

A man from the night raider's group laughed while rolling on the road.

One could feel that the person was laughing out of pure happiness of having been taken away with something that was very painful to him.

But the people seeing him rolling on the floor who were also his mates would definitely not agree to this.

And that was because the man was rolling on the road which was coloured red with his own blood.

The two night raiders along with the leader had their faces turned pale and didn't move for a long time.

It would not be wrong to say that this kind of scene was not something that they had ever seen.

Of course, they had also killed a few people who would be very troublesome for them a few years ago.

But they had never seen something like this.

Who would be happy to know that their hand had been torn apart from their shoulder?

Of course, their mate's condition said otherwise.