Feifei's Rage

Meanwhile, as the car drove off towards Fengshun County.

The road where Guo Yulao's car was stopped by the night riders.

"Boss, what do we do of them now?"

One of the two remaining lackeys asked the leader while pointing at the one-armed guy who lay unconscious and the other one was clutching his wrist which looked like a sagging ball of muscles.

"That the F*CK do you want me to do."

"Take them to the hospital and send them off, they are of no use."

The leader barked.

He had this unfathomable feeling rising in his heart ever since the little birk hit its beak on his head.

With that, the two people helped the others into their car.

They had already tied the shoulder of the other guy to stop his bleeding so by now he was still safe.

Just as they all sat in the car they felt an overwhelming feeling rising in their hearts as they stared at each other in horror.
