Helping Mommy Mongoose!

Ye Qian sat on the fallen  dry leaves and sighed looking at the body of the mother mongoose which didn't move even in the slightest.

Ye Qian then extended his hand at the head of the mongoose while closing his eyes.

This time, his incantations were a bit different and even the dome of translucent mist that appeared around the mongoose was a bit different.

After a moment Ye Qian's expressions of trouble eased up.

"SIGH, she is still alive somehow!"

Ye Qian muttered under his breath and nodded.

Although he knew that he didn't really need to save the mongoose by going through so much trouble, but since his daughters had asked him to than he didn't want them to feel sad.

First, it was because he felt that the mongoose was already dead, and the second was the fact that he didn't want to remove his omnipotent image in the hearts of the little girls.