Being Magnanimous

"Young master Wang, I am sorry for what I said earlier, I have apologized to Mr Ye and his heart is very big to forgive my ignorant self, I hope that you will also forgive me for all of my words back then."

Dr Lu said with a pleading look on his face, although he was not sincere in front of Ye Qian just now, he knew that other than his skills, this Ye Qian really didn't have any kind of backing as for Wang Jin, no matter what, he was still the leader of the Wang Industries whose name was well known all over the province and throughout the country as well.

Even if he had seen Ye Qian's ability in treating this strange condition of Mr Wang, he still didn't think much about Ye Qian, but that was not the same for Wang Jin.

If Wang Jin were still to be annoyed with him, then even with his family which was still good in the nearby city, his life would definitely be riddled with difficulties.