Judging Ye Qian!

If not for Guo Yulao bringing him here, then there was no way that he would have tried to come here anytime soon since there was no need to.

Of course, the main reason was the Vita Cucurbita, although Ye Qian hoped that there indeed didn't arise a situation when he would need to use it, but having it was no different than having one more life for someone.

And the most important fact for Ye Qian was that the girls had really enjoyed this simple trip.

Ye Qian knew that even if he was going to bring the to the Muqin Park today according to their plan, the girls would not have been able to enjoy themselves as much as they had in the mountains.

A part of it was also due to the friends that they had met on the mountain and also many new and surprising things that they had seen for the first time.

Of course, the three didn't know the reason why Ye Qian was thanking them, but with how Ye Qian had been so far, they knew that they didn't need to ask him.