Being Mocked By People

In the Star City.

"Sir, the formalities have been done and you can take the patient in a while."

A nurse informed as she took the signatures of the middle ages man in the ICU room.

The room was filled with an unusual calmness and also a cold aura.

The middle-aged man nodded while the nurse left the room without taking another look at the patient.

Meanwhile, on the bed lay a young man in his early 30s who looked quite robust.

Other than the bandage on his ear, there was nothing that one might find was wrong with him.

"Son, the plastic surgery for your ear has been done, but the doctors said that it's better to now  take rest for a few more days."

The middle-aged man was Yang Bo, although not considered much in the Star City, due to his not wanting to reveal himself much, but he had his network in the underground forces in the Star City which very few knew of.

"Dad, what happened to the guy named Ye?"