Cruel Means!

In the middle of the road leading to Fengshun county.

A group of police officers stood around something that appeared like a hand.

But what was shocking was not about the hand, but the fact that the hand was mutilated and lying on the road for who knew how long.

It was not until a group of farmers who were going to their work had informed them about this did they got to know.

If not then they would have not even got an idea of something like this.

The road was desolate and with the formation of the express highway, this road was scarcely used, and since there was also not any close village nearby, even if the people had their lands nearby, they would also come only in a few days and not regularly.

"What do you mean?"

The senior police officer asked the young lady officer who was squatting on the road while inspecting the mutilated hand with a lens and had a shocked and frightened look on her face.