Sister's Meet After So Long

In the mansion of the Han's.

Li Zhiyun looked at her younger sister who was more than 16 years younger than her as she stared at her hand.

Being a woman herself, how could LI Zhiyun not understand what her younger sister might be thinking of?

In fact, she might be a bit shocked to see if there was any woman who would not get dejected after taking a look at her skin.

Although Li Zhiyun had already passed 50 and was 53 years old, her kind right now didn't look anywhere close to what a woman would have in her early 50s.

Much less the early 50s, her skin was as soft and tight as that of a woman in her mid-30s, which was also the age of Li Feiyun.

It would be wrong if Li Feiyun were to not dazed after taking a careful look.