Treasures Which Were Given For Penny!

While also having a gentle smile on her face, Li Zhiyun sighed in her heart as she looked at her sister who was about 16 years younger than her.

'Feiyun, when are you going to have a family, this elder sister can't let you remain like this all your life.'

She felt bad for her sister, although Li Feiyun was about 37 this year, she had found no one to be with and spend her life alone.

Even if she didn't care about it before thinking that Li Feiyun still had a lot of time, but now that she had come out of this situation, Li Zhiyun knew that life was something that no one could predict, she even thought that if the fate had not been like this and her daughter had not met the mysterious master that day, then she would not even have the chance to meet her family for the last time and take a look at them with all of her heart's content.

"Wenwen, this thing is really magical, just getting near to it gave me such a good feeling!"