They Lost But Still Didn't Feel Bad

After entering the house, Ye Qian was as if he simply didn't exist.

After Grandam Yan placed Little Jia on the sofa, she quickly turned to him and took Little Qiqi carefully from his arm and placed it on the sofa, and the same went for Xiao Ya.

For a moment Ye Qian was feeling warm in his heart thinking that his mother was worried about him holding the two girls for so long.

But after Grandma Yan took Xiao Ya from his arm, she didn't even spare a single glance at him again and started to giggle and laugh along with the little girls.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qian could not help but smile wryly with a mocking smile.

It looked as if he was not mocking someone else, but himself.

He was standing there when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You know mom, she is just not letting you see, but actually, she was worried about you the most wheel you were away."

Seeing the weird smile on Ye Qian's lips she knew what he was thinking of.