Revelation Of It Will Affect Everything

Grandma Yan knew that being a single mother would have been really hard for Ning Wei, and the fact that she was all by herself only made it even worse.


She had seen Ning Wei constantly trying to hold herself back with the fear in her eyes which made her notice that what the girl was doing was wrong.

But Grandma Yan understood that the more Ning Wei tried to force herself to stop, the more hurt she would be.

Grandma Yan even suspected that it was just because of this reason that Ning Wei had been staying in her house these few days.

It was only when under Little Jia's saddened heart he went to Ning Wei after which she came back.

If not for that, Grandma Yan wondered that she might have stayed in her house trying to keep herself away from them as more as possible.

But this was just like drinking poison to quench one's thirst.