Was It Just A Bad Dream!

In the special room in the Shenya Hospital.

Yu Lan and her friends sat before the bed upon which lay Xiao Ya.

Although all of her health was in the best condition according to the doctor's tests and reports, it had been more than a day that Xiao Ya had been unconscious.

Even Le Yun who had been injured and thrown a few metres away due to the small explosion had woken up right after a few hours.

But Xiao Ya was still like this.

Meanwhile, unknown to them, the small basket-like necklace on Xiao Ya's neck was flickering with light as the small egg-like thing in it continued to shake.

The buzzing sound was just too faint for Yu Lan or anyone among them to know of this.

"How long till she is like this, that dog Le Yun had his hand cracked and thrown a few metres away, but still will be allowed to get away by the night, but Xiao Ya has not even woken up yet."

Lin frowned with a disdainful voice.