Le Zhong Came To Meet!

It was indeed true, knowing that there was nothing serious about Xiao Ya's condition, the doctors had already asked Yu Lan and others that it was not necessary for Xiao Ya to be kept here.

But who would argue with Lin?

Although she was not able to get any justice for Xiao Ya with Le Yun's actions, Lin had asked her father to let her friend stay in the hospital till she woke up.

Of course, since the bill would be paid by the university there was also nothing to be worried about.

But they didn't want to take any kind of risk to Xiao Ya's health.

And Lin's father was made to agree with her in this nonetheless.

"Ohh, thanks."

Lin obviously noticed the doctor's gaze and glared at him for a moment before seeing Yanran eyeing her.

"Thanks a lot, doctor, it's indeed not right for us to stay for long here and it will be good to go back."

The doctor and the nurse left while Yanran walked to Xiao Ya.

"So you feeling good now?"