Giving Something That They Never Got


"Big Brother!"

As soon as Yu Lan entered the door, she was greeted by a face that she would never forget even if it was in her dreams.

It was because this was the face that she had laws wanted to meet all these 5 years but knowing that there was not the slightest chance or her to meet him due to the person not being able to come back was as true as the air.

But even if she knew that the person she had always wanted to meet was still in front of her and had known for quite a while, she could not completely believe that he was still in front of her right now as well.

She had heard his voice and it was only due to his call that she came here, but still, she was having trouble believing that all of this was true.

"Hey, are you like again going to cry, are you not embarrassed what your nieces would think if their such a big Aunt were to cry like little girls at their age."