All She Knew Was Nothing But A Lie!

In the banquet hall, the situation had turned rather undesirable.

Little Qiqi was crying, but not even a word came out of the little girl's lips.

In fact, it looked as if she was trying to hold back all of her heart in fear that she would not be able to stop herself.

Meanwhile, right in front of her, her mother held her head low, but if one were to look at her face, then they would notice that it had turned deathly pale as if all of her blood had been drained.

As for her eyes, they had turned bright red while, almost giving one a feeling that there was blood in them.

"Miss Yuan, you should know that no matter how much you try to hide this fact from your child, one day she will know of this somehow."

A sympathetic voice was heard which made many of the ladies and men in the banquet to sigh while shaking their heads and nodding in agreement.

"Mumma... mumma, what are they all saying, did Papa really leave Qiqi?"