Who Is To Be Prioritized?

Meanwhile, in the living room.

Little Qiqi, Little Jia and Xiao Ya were narrating about their adventure which they had along with their Papa.

Of course, hearing about their trip to the mountains and even their meeting with the mongoose and its family, Yu Lan and her friends were very much amazed, but what fascinated them was the way in which the three girls talked about their little adventure.

"Wow, this little adventure of yours really sounds so amazing, and here I am who never had a chance to go to such an adventure."

Lin's face turned low as she seemed to be dejected.

"No no, Aunt Lin doesn't need to be sad, next time, when Qiqi goes with Papa again, Qiqi will ask Papa to bring you with us too."

Seeing the aunt who loved them so much had her face turned sad, the three little girls would obviously not accept it as they tried to cheer her up.

"Awww, thanks so much Qiqi."

Lin smiled and gave a light peck on the little girl's hand.