Aunt Lin Gives A Gift!

While the little girls were bidding farewell to their aunts, there was a bit of reluctance in their eyes.

Even if it had not even just a few hours, but they didn't want Yu Lan and others to go.

"Qiqi, just like you have your school, your Aunts also have to go to theirs and study, so they will have to go."

Yuan Meng stroked Little Qiqi's hair seeing the little girl turn sad.

It had been just a week and the little girl had gotten used to having a few people in the house when compared to before when it was just her and her Mumma who would be in the house.

Now, not only was there her Big Sister, her Aunt Wei, Xiao Ya, and even her grandparents.

And the most important person was her Papa whom she had always wanted to be with.

But no matter how many people came, the little girl only liked it a lot.

And the hardest time for her was to bid goodbye to them not knowing when they would come and meet her again.