Using More Energy Than Can Afford To

In right a few kilometres away from the Star City.

After a muffled bang was heard as if a collision of something big and heavy hitting something strong yet shockproof, there was an eerie silence on the road which no one seemed to have any idea of driving or passing through.

In fact, it was eerily silent as well.

But knowing that this road only lead to Shenya University there were also very few vehicles going to a time right now.

And on this road, a figure of a person stood right in front of a car that stood just a few inches away from him.

But the most shocking thing was the two palm-like dent imprints on the hood of the car.

The person in the hooded cloth stared at the passenger seat while his throat seemed to be making some light growling sounds.

He seemed to have found something he had been looking for.

Meanwhile, there was a dark fog surrounding him.