Going Through 11 Levels Of Hell!

As soon as Ye Qian smashed into the roof of the car, he strayed another mouthful of blood, but unlike the normal red blood which he puked before, this was somewhat different.

It was because there was a dark hue to it.

But Yuan Meng didn't have the time to notice such a difference in it as she was more worried about Ye Qian.

She knew that if not for her, then things would not have taken this sudden turn.

In fact, right now she blamed herself for being too ignorant and dumb to want to take a look at Ye Qian even when knowing that he was doing his best and hardest to relieve them of this troublesome situation.

She could not help but want to blame herself, it was because all these days when she had seen Ye Qian, she had never noticed him in any discomfort.

But right now, Ye Qian looked like a person who had been sucked all of his blood away and was on the verge of losing his complete consciousness.