Does It Hurt Here?

In the car, Yuan Meng was still crying with a tender smile on her lips as she tried to look for any injury on Ye Qian's body.

"Mengmeng, I am completely fine, you don't have to inspect every part of my body."

While grimacing in a bit of pain, Ye Qian smiled wryly.

Right now, Yuan Meng was fondling her fingers all over his body, although the two of them were husband and wife, but it was still a bit embarrassing for Ye Qian to be touched by Yuan Meng all around his body and that too in front of someone.

Many a time, Yuan Meng had subconsciously let her hand towards his THAT part, even if Ye Qian was a cultivator and had complete control over his body and desires, but right now, he was concentrating on inspecting his own body to see if there was any kind of serious injury or change which he might have suffered.