Pain Of One's Soul Being Shredded!

Close to the outskirts of Star City.

With a loud thumping sound as if something heavy had hit the ground while also making a few cracks on the hard and strong concrete road, the Corpse General fell to his knees.

Meanwhile, a few tens of meters away from his current position, there lay something which looked more like a hand.

But what was shocking about it was the fact that the hand looked as if it was burning.

The scarlet flames burning upon that hand made it look quite mesmerizing since the flame was not frightening and instead so dazzlingly beautiful that it would make anyone just continue to stare at it.

It was like the flame was dancing on its own rhythm not wary about the time the world was taking.

And just from the looks of it, anyone would feel that it was not any normal fire that could be set by a matchstick or a lighter.

This kind of flame was enough to give many poets inspiration for their new poems.