A Newcomer At The Genetic Lab! (1)

But with the discovery of these completely different kinds of cells, a new world full of possibilities had been opened for not just his juniors and the staff, but also opened a whole new world of possibilities for his own theories as well.

One had to know that he was always working on different ways to enhance the human body and bring the various kinds of extremities that it could handle.

But he was also aware of the fact that his theories would be marked as lunatic theories without any kind of base or sense and were nothing but just mad thoughts.

But after getting to know the existence of these cells, not just his old theories, but also countless new ones.

But he knew that until and unless he were to find the secrets of these special cells and find a way to multiply them, or at the least try to find a way of how they are able to do all those things that they could even when they don't require any kind of nutrients or source of energy.